Provide the greatest impact possible by giving where it is most needed.

What are the needs?

In Bolivia, children and youth who have been the victims of violence from their parents, guardians, or others, often have few options but to live on the streets and even turn to prostitution. Others find themselves at risk while a parent is in prison or previously released but trying to start again. A lack of healthy food, medical care, and life skills limits their hopes for a better future.

What can be done to help?

JIREH Street Children receive comprehensive care in education, health, and nutrition, as well as psychological and spiritual support. Children receive training in crafts, sports, cultural events, health and hygiene, prevention of bullying and violence, in addition to receiving healthy food and medical care. Parents also receive support and training on topics such as abuse prevention, communication and peacekeeping in the home, and coping with alcohol and drug addiction.

Casa Prison Children receive training in art, Bible stories, recreation, leadership training, health and hygiene, in addition to receiving medical care, psychosocial support services, and healthy food. Parents who are able to participate in the programming are involved in Bible studies, family strengthening workshops, and a quarterly information meeting.

The Children with a Future project aims to empower and strengthen both children and youth. The project helps by challenging them, helping them discover their gifts, making use of their abilities, and setting real goals for their dreams. The project supports children and youth by offering assistance with medical care, including eye doctors and dentists. Children are also offered teaching in language and vocational skills, such as design, as well as given healthy meals.

How will your raised funds be used?

Your support will allow these programs to provide care and life skills to Bolivia’s children at risk, giving them hope for a future free of violence, sickness, poverty, and broken relationships, as well as giving witness to the real-life Good News of Jesus.


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